How To Make Gold in WoW

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Three Effective Monk Talent Builds for Leveling in Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria is coming soon, and you will want to level a monk, fast. Heirloom gear, plenty of stocked up food, and a friend to recruit can all help you get to 90. But in the end, what you really need is a good talent build.

As you no doubt know, Monks can tank, dps, or heal. If your goal is speedy leveling, you have three basic options. You could level with a friend (recruit a friend if you can, the exp bonus and teleports are great) and heal for him or her. Alternatively, you could dps and have your leveling friend heal you. If there's no one in your life willing to play along with you, your best choice is a sturdy, hard-hitting tank build.


Leveling a monk can be… boring, for lack of a better word. At later levels, variation and damage potential increase, but the early levels tend to drag on. A friend is a good choice for more reasons than just faster leveling and strength in numbers.

Talent Trees and Specializations

With the new talent system, every level interval offers three different talents that could be a good choice for every spec. Still, some talents could get you to 90 faster, depending on your spec.

Specializations, only available with certain prerequisite talents, offer a more focused character build. If you're playing with friends, you want to lean more toward your role. If you're leveling alone, choose more balanced specializations.


Brewmaster is the name for the monk tank spec. If you're leveling on your own, being able to take a hit is going to save you a lot of trips to the graveyard. Remember that the best talents for high level play may be different from the ones you need for leveling. You need to be able to kill things fast. This spec is a good balance between defense and damage output.

Recommended Brewmaster Leveling Talents

15- Celerity

30- Chi Burst

45- Ascension

60- Charging Ox Wave

75- Dampen Harm

90- Chi Torpedo


The monk healer spec. Focus on basic healing spells, and let your level buddy go down with damage. Quick healing and restorations spells take precedence, but some talents have damage potential as well.

Recommended Mistweaver Leveling Talents

15- Tiger's Lust

30- Chi Wave

45- Chi Brew

60- Deadly Reach

75- Healing Elixers

90- Chi Torpedo

Wind Walker

The monk dps spec. With a leveling partner keeping you at full health, all you need to worry about is bringing the hurt. Churning through mobs is essential to quick leveling.

Recommended Wind Walker Talents

15- Momentum

30- Chi Burst

45- Power Strikes

60- Leg Sweep

75- Diffuse Magic

90- Rushing Jade Wind

Must Have Specializations - Brewmaster

Your three most important Brewmaster specializations are:

Keg Smash - Chi generating, effects up to three targets, and makes mobs easier to kill? Yes, please.

Breath of Fire - Provides much-needed dps with fire effect to take out those pesky fleeing mobs with less running.

Guard - Take more damage and a plus to healing yourself. Essential when leveling alone.

Must Have Specializations - Mistweaver

Soothing Mist - Your basic healing ability. If you level with a dps, you'll get to know this ability pretty well. Also, has a chance to regenerate chi.

Enveloping Mist - The best second "mist" option for levelers, the others are more for raid situations. Increases the efficacy of soothing mist.

Mana Tea - Greatly increases mana production if you stack it fully. You don't want to end up oom in the middle of nowhere.

Must Have Specializations - Windwalker

Fist of Fury - Will help you handle large groups of mobs with evenly distributed damage and stuns.

Flying Serpent Kick - A movement buff, good for shooting from one pocket of mobs to the next. Has damage potential as well.

Spinning Fire Blossom - Use on far away mobs to draw them in, the damage is greater that way.

Good luck using these builds to get to the rich end game content WOW provides. Trust me, it's worth the grind to get to 90, and the faster you level up, the faster you're there.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

All About Pandaren

The Pandaren are a race of panda-like people added to the game in Mists of Pandaria.  They are native to Pandaria, and until very recently, they have been isolated from the rest of the world by a shroud of mists surrounding their homeland.  Once slaves to a fierce race of warlords known as the mogu, the Pandaren have overcome, and are now honorable warriors and farmers, artists and cooks.  However, when Azeroth's future looked bleakest, the Pandaren Emperor obscured the continent with mists, hiding it away from the world for ten-thousand years.  Pandaria remained undiscovered until a naval battle between Horde and Alliance ventured into uncharted waters and crashed upon the shore.   

Pandaria Gold Guide

Not every Pandaren was hidden away with the shrouding of Pandaria, however.  Now and then, tenacious explorers made their way beyond the mist. Hundreds of years ago, a group of these explorers set out on the back of a giant turtle, determined to discover new lands.  As the turtle wandered the seas of Azeroth, generations of Pandaren lived their lives out on its back.  Life was peaceful for these Pandaren until the turtle wandered too close to the Maelstrom, a great rift in Azeroth caused by immensely powerful magic. 
Players who create a Pandaren character start out on the back of the turtle, completing their training to become powerful fighters.  As life on the turtle becomes less stable, the young Pandaren must uncover the threat and decide how best to deal with it.  In the process, they will come into contact with outsiders for the first time, and must choose their allies and enemies carefully.  

The Pandaren are a neutral race, meaning they belong to neither the Alliance nor the Horde.  At the end of the Pandaren starting zone, players must choose a side, and decide if they wish to become one of the Alliance, or a member of the Horde.  Players do not choose a faction until around level 20, and they cannot join guilds or receive mail until they do.  

Pandaren characters have several classes to choose from.  They can be monks, the new melee class added with the expansion, as well as rogues, shamans, hunters, priests, mages, and warriors.  The Pandaren were hidden behind mists when the Lich King created death knights, however, and so Pandaren characters cannot be death knights.  They are also unable to be warlocks or druids.

There are a few innate talents unique to Pandaren characters.  Because the Pandaren are known for their love of good food and drink, they get a bonus to the "Well Fed" effect, a stat increase that comes from eating certain types of food.  The amount of stat points temporarily gained by eating food is doubled for Pandaren characters.  In addition, their cooking skill starts out at 15 points, rather than 1.   

Pandaren are also known for their inner tranquility and enlightened approach to the world.  The "Inner Peace" racial ability causes their rested experience bonus to last twice as long.  The rested experience bonus is gained by logging out in an inn or major city.  The rested effect doubles the amount of experience received from killing monsters, however it only lasts for a certain amount of time based on how long a character was logged out and not gaining experience.  For Pandaren characters, it will take twice as long for the effect to wear off.  

The Pandaren body type is also naturally bouncy, so all Pandaren take 50% less damage from a fall.  And most Pandaren are somewhat familiar with the combat arts of the monk, and able to use the "Quaking Palm" ability.  This move is an instant ability that suddenly strikes a target, incapacitating them for 4 seconds.  This ability will be especially useful in player versus player combat, where it can be used to keep other players from casting powerful spells or attacking. 

The Pandaren are a noble race, with much to teach and learn from the races of Azeroth.  Their special abilities make them a good choice for any of the classes, as well as allowing them to level a bit faster than other characters.  In addition, Pandaren can choose to be either Horde or Alliance, so any player can create a Pandaren on the same faction as their friends.   

How To Make Gold in Pandaria 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best WoW Guide?

Looking for the Best WoW Guide?
Well that depends on where you are at :)

Here's 4 guides that crush the rest!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PvP Ownage

I've got something really exciting to share with you today.

I'm going to show you how to totally revamp your PvP play style

and start dominating in duels, battlegrounds and arenas.

I'm talking about PvP Ownage released by Dylan Anderson.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead and take a look now...

==> PvP Ownage

What is the PvP Ownage?

The PvP Ownage is a compendium of information about PvP in the

game that hits on every possible aspect, starting with the basics,

then going into class talent specs, gear specs, strengths and

weaknesses, dual strategies, arena strategies, world PvP, macros,

keybinds, battlegrounds and a whole lot more. With that in mind,

it has managed to touch on every noticeable aspect of PvP in

greater detail than most guides around and has done it all in one


The way I see it, it really is a system that draws a line

that says, winners this side, and the rest on the other side.

The Bottom Line

The key here is that many people need something more than just

blind experience and luck to be successful in PvP... they need a

boost, a guide of some sort that will help them understand what

it is they should be doing in the game when fighting certain

classes or playing certain ways.

Truth is, it's hard explaining all there is that's offered in PvP

Ownage. So do yourself a favor and see for yourself what's its all


You don't want to miss out on this one:

==> PvP Ownage

Rooting For You,

Tony "T Dub" Sanders

Warcraft Conquest

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Booster Speed Leveling Package

Booster Speed Leveling Package

Hexigames Booster Speed Leveling Guide banner

Hexigames Booster Leveling Guide - Booster Leveling Addon

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There are the "Leveling Guides" that take you by the hand, and show you where to go and what to do, to get to level 80. Then there is Booster - the industry-first, ultimate Leveling Package. We don't just show you how to get to 80. We show you how to break leveling records without even thinking. How to out-level a bot without any grinding. And how to play your class better than most end-game raiders.

Whether you have been playing since Beta, or just started your account yesterday, the Booster program will help you level faster, easier, and better.

Our Booster Leveling Package goes far beyond any leveling guide that has ever been offered before.

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Hexigames Booster Speed Leveling Package

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Your Guild Might Ask of You in a Raid

PvE Bible - WoW Pve Guide

When you start raiding for the first time, the biggest culture shock many players face is the fact that the character style they’re used to playing might not be good enough for the raid leader. There are players who, as Paladins, Druids, Warlocks, or Priests might be required to shift their talent specs, their style of play or their location in the raid according to who shows up on raid night and how many players are going into the raid. If you want to be drawn upon as much as possible and to prove that you are worth the efforts of your guild leaders, you need to be flexible and willing (plus able) to adapt quickly.

How Will You Adapt

To be fair, some classes don’t need to adapt all that much. Mages, Warlocks, and Warriors are not going to be asked to change what they do. They have roles in a raid that don’t change all that much. They might be asked to get a certain ability ready or to make certain items, but they’re not going to need to move. A Warrior with Protection spec is usually a tank, and Mages and Warlocks are always DPS (though Warlocks might on occasion prove useful as ranged OTs for short spurts).

However, those of you out there with hybrid classes such as the Paladin, Druid, Shaman, or Death Knight (and sometimes Priest), will find that your role in the fight becomes much more fluid. In some fights, a DK or Druid might prove to be a more effective tank for resistance reasons while Shamans might be great at support in one fight and work as off healers in another fight.

The long and short of it is that if you have abilities that work for tanking, dps and healing together on your character, you should be ready to use any of them at any time.

How Will I Know to Switch

In a raid, once the fight is started, you’ll almost always have a set position to work on. You’re not going to be tanking for one trash mob, then DPS for the next and then Healing on a boss. But, between bosses or instances as a whole, you might find that the needs of your raid party change and that is when you should be willing to switch.

Of course, you need to be honest. If you know nothing about DK tanking (it’s a tough role), you should say so upfront. Everyone in that raiding party is going to rely on the tank to keep them alive (by staying alive). If you fail to do that one thing repeatedly even when you claim to know what you are doing, your peers may not be pleased.

>>> Grab a Copy of PvE Bible and Start Dominating the Instances <<<

World of Warcraft Guides

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

10 Man or 25 Man? How Do You Choose?

PvE Bible - WoW Pve Guide

Raiding is a rite of passage for any World of Warcraft player. It demonstrates that you are not only at the top of the leveling scheme – a full Level 80 – but it shows that you are well respected by your fellow players in a guild and that you are well equipped and effective enough in your role to go in and be responsible for a key role in the defeat of major bosses.

But, these days, those new to raiding are finding that the content is more complex and numerous than ever before. Every raid comes in 10 or 25 man modes, there are new versions of old raids being added to the game all the time, and now with the advent of the Trial of the Grand Crusader, there are hard modes for raids, effectively creating 4 different modes for each encounter.

So, How Does This All Work?

The first thing to know is that 10 man raiding is very similar to 25 man raiding, even if you don’t get as good of gear and the bosses are much easier. More than anything else though, it is tremendous practice for a 25 man boss that might otherwise wipe you silly. It also makes it easier to practice for every raid. A smaller guild may only be able to get 25 people together once a week, but 10 people might be up for raiding 3 or 4 nights a week – and they can do so by practicing whenever the game allows.

So, what does all this mean for anyone that is interested in figuring out what is going to happen when they hit Level 80? To start with, you need to do 10 man raids first. It’s not just that 25 man raids are harder, there is a gear gap between dungeons and 25 man raids now that makes it impossible to go straight from one to the other. You’ll need to spend a bit of time working on getting the right ilvl gear in 10 man raids to reach the 25 man content.

Whatever your current position, if you are just starting out on raiding for the first time, take your time and learn what it takes to do it properly. That means spending your time learning about the different ways to play your character, different combinations of talent specs you can use, and how you might be used by your raid party leader.

>>> Grab a Copy of PvE Bible and Start Dominating the Instances <<<

World of Warcraft Guides