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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Three Effective Monk Talent Builds for Leveling in Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria is coming soon, and you will want to level a monk, fast. Heirloom gear, plenty of stocked up food, and a friend to recruit can all help you get to 90. But in the end, what you really need is a good talent build.

As you no doubt know, Monks can tank, dps, or heal. If your goal is speedy leveling, you have three basic options. You could level with a friend (recruit a friend if you can, the exp bonus and teleports are great) and heal for him or her. Alternatively, you could dps and have your leveling friend heal you. If there's no one in your life willing to play along with you, your best choice is a sturdy, hard-hitting tank build.


Leveling a monk can be… boring, for lack of a better word. At later levels, variation and damage potential increase, but the early levels tend to drag on. A friend is a good choice for more reasons than just faster leveling and strength in numbers.

Talent Trees and Specializations

With the new talent system, every level interval offers three different talents that could be a good choice for every spec. Still, some talents could get you to 90 faster, depending on your spec.

Specializations, only available with certain prerequisite talents, offer a more focused character build. If you're playing with friends, you want to lean more toward your role. If you're leveling alone, choose more balanced specializations.


Brewmaster is the name for the monk tank spec. If you're leveling on your own, being able to take a hit is going to save you a lot of trips to the graveyard. Remember that the best talents for high level play may be different from the ones you need for leveling. You need to be able to kill things fast. This spec is a good balance between defense and damage output.

Recommended Brewmaster Leveling Talents

15- Celerity

30- Chi Burst

45- Ascension

60- Charging Ox Wave

75- Dampen Harm

90- Chi Torpedo


The monk healer spec. Focus on basic healing spells, and let your level buddy go down with damage. Quick healing and restorations spells take precedence, but some talents have damage potential as well.

Recommended Mistweaver Leveling Talents

15- Tiger's Lust

30- Chi Wave

45- Chi Brew

60- Deadly Reach

75- Healing Elixers

90- Chi Torpedo

Wind Walker

The monk dps spec. With a leveling partner keeping you at full health, all you need to worry about is bringing the hurt. Churning through mobs is essential to quick leveling.

Recommended Wind Walker Talents

15- Momentum

30- Chi Burst

45- Power Strikes

60- Leg Sweep

75- Diffuse Magic

90- Rushing Jade Wind

Must Have Specializations - Brewmaster

Your three most important Brewmaster specializations are:

Keg Smash - Chi generating, effects up to three targets, and makes mobs easier to kill? Yes, please.

Breath of Fire - Provides much-needed dps with fire effect to take out those pesky fleeing mobs with less running.

Guard - Take more damage and a plus to healing yourself. Essential when leveling alone.

Must Have Specializations - Mistweaver

Soothing Mist - Your basic healing ability. If you level with a dps, you'll get to know this ability pretty well. Also, has a chance to regenerate chi.

Enveloping Mist - The best second "mist" option for levelers, the others are more for raid situations. Increases the efficacy of soothing mist.

Mana Tea - Greatly increases mana production if you stack it fully. You don't want to end up oom in the middle of nowhere.

Must Have Specializations - Windwalker

Fist of Fury - Will help you handle large groups of mobs with evenly distributed damage and stuns.

Flying Serpent Kick - A movement buff, good for shooting from one pocket of mobs to the next. Has damage potential as well.

Spinning Fire Blossom - Use on far away mobs to draw them in, the damage is greater that way.

Good luck using these builds to get to the rich end game content WOW provides. Trust me, it's worth the grind to get to 90, and the faster you level up, the faster you're there.

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