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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Proper Raid Progression for Your Guild

PvE Bible - WoW Pve Guide

Raid progression is a very important part of the end-game content in World of Warcraft. Rather than trying to figure out where you’re going on your own, Blizzard has pretty much set an order in which you should complete raiding content so that you have the next level of gear prepared for when you start up on a new raid. It also helps ensure that when you start on a new raid that your guild is ready for the content and has enough DPS and health to take down the boss without unnecessary wipes.

The Lower Levels

Lower level raiding content is more or less unnecessary any more. By the time you reach Level 80, old raids in Azeroth and Outland can be completed with fewer players and much more easily. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. For new guilds and fresh Level 80s who never raided in Outland, these old raids can be a tremendously useful way to build your experience while not having to restart every four minutes from a wipe. You’ll be geared up without having to spend gold or craft anything and you can start practicing with your mods and your new team members. Try out raids like Karazhan and Hellfire Citadel to get a feel for the higher level of play.

Level 80 Raids

When you start out with Level 80 raids, you should have already gone through all the dungeons in Northrend as well as the heroic versions of those dungeons. You’ll find that if you go all the way up to Trial of the Champion, you can start getting a number of high level Epic items from 5 man content, even before you start raiding.

This will help you outfit you characters effectively so that when you first step into Naxxramas, you’ll be ready. Make sure when you do that, you start on 10 man raids and that you have at least all rare and epic gear. If you have any uncommon pieces you should go buy or craft something new.

After Naxxramas, you can raid through the Eye of Eternity and the Obsidian Sanctum, followed by Ulduar and the finally the Trial of the Crusader. However, keep in mind that before you even start on 10 Man Ulduar, you should have completed 25 Man Naxxramas, allowing you to progress higher with better gear. You shouldn’t play any content in Ulduar or higher without all epic gear.

Maintaining Progression

At a certain point, it can be hard to ensure you have all the gear pieces you need to reach the next level of content. In these cases, you should go to the Armory at and look at your gear options. Look at what upgrades are available and if you can get them without going to the next raid. The more high level gear you gather for yourself before starting on the next step in the progression, the more fun you’ll have in that next raid because you won’t die nearly as much.

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