Warcraft Formula December Edition
How To Make Gold in WoW
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Raid Progression in Northrend

When you hit level 80, there are a lot of things you could do. You could start earning gold with daily quests and auction house strategies. You could spend your time trying to figure out how to get a new character up to Level 80. You could defeat your opponents in Arena and Battleground play. Or you could join the millions of player who go out 2 and 3 nights a week to dungeons and raid instances throughout Northrend.
There are currently 17 different instances in WotLK content (16 in Northrend and one additional in the Caverns of Time) that include over 150 different encounters and countless modes through which to fight those encounters. But, for anyone that is relatively new to the game or who has spent most of their end-game time in PvP or other end-game activities, running dungeons and raids can be a bit intimidating, especially with all those other top rated players out there showing off their Tier 9 gear and uber epic gear.
Starting Small
So, how do you start small and build your way up in a game that requires so much time investment and careful attention to detail to pull things off. It may seem overwhelming at first, but the truth is that if you start small and work your way up to the hardest, most time devouring content in the game, you’ll quickly find that there are many ways to take on this content without getting completely destroyed each time.
1. Find a Team of Like Minded Individuals – Most people think too far ahead. They try to find a player who is already Tier 9 to help them defeat Level 72 dungeons so they can catch up. But you learn nothing this way. The better route is to find a team of likeminded players who you can join up with and play along with as you complete the early instances in The Nexus and Utgarde Keep.
2. Don’t Expect Too Much – If you’re a raiding noob, don’t get frustrated. You’ll wipe a few times early on. Just keep trying and pay attention to what works and doesn’t.
3. Do Your Research – You may need to do some research to make things work for you. This means spending time online watching YouTube videos of other raiders, reading up on current instance strategies, and learning what others are doing to get through this content.
In the end, if you are really serious about getting ahead in the instances of Northrend, you should start small, find a good team, and build from there. Before you know it, in just a few short weeks, you’ll be tearing apart high level content with the best of them.
>>> Grab a Copy of PvE Bible and Start Dominating the Instances <<<
Monday, November 30, 2009
What You Can Gain from a Warrior PvE Guide

Ah, the Warrior – one of the most static, well balanced classes in World of Warcraft. It receives the fewest nerfs or buffs with each major patch and it continues to play the same roles year in and year out in raiding. Yet, being an effective Warrior in PvE requires that you have a very good understanding of your class and that you practice effusively. This is where a good Warrior PvE Guide can come in and make all the difference.
What a Warrior PvE Guide Does
Warriors essentially come in three flavours, but when it comes to raiding, you’re going to be a Protection Warrior or a Fury Warrior (largely because of Titan’s Grip). You’ll either be a tank or a DPS dealer.
And most Warriors become tanks because it is the quickest route into a raiding party – especially with the highly specialized actions that a Warrior has on hand to tank with. Even with Blizzard working hard to make Tanking more accessible to other classes, the Warrior sits atop that pile and probably always will.
So, a good Warrior PvE Guide needs to provide details on how to tank as well as possible. It needs to provide details on what gear to get, how to implement buffs and consumables, how to spec your talent tree and what specific abilities you’re going to need to do as well as possible in your position.
Fury Warriors, if they want to be in a Raiding Party need to be as good at their position as possible. So a good Warrior PvE Guide will be essential to mastering the various different attacks and DPS sustaining abilities they have, like Titan’s Grip. The ability to dual wield two handed weapons will boost your DPS immensely, but it needs to be done properly with enough stats and the right weapons.
Getting the Most of Your Warrior PvE Guide
If you’re serious about raiding as a Warrior, start spending as much time as you can working on building up your strategies for the class. Practice in numerous settings, go on low level instance runs, and even if you never play as Protection while levelling, play as it when you hit level 80, just on daily quests. You need to be as acclimated as possible to the ways of the Warrior to be a good raider. The days of getting an instant spot in a raid because you are a Warrior are passed – it’s time to earn that role.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
How to Use a Warlock PvE Guide

Warlocks have gotten a lot of hard knocks in the last couple of years as the game has evolved, but regardless of their many nerfs in PvP, they still remain one of the most effective DPS classes in PvE and can bring quite a bit of pain along with them if they are played properly. So, anyone that is interested in making a big splash in the raiding community with a Warlock should look into a good Warlock PvE Guide to learn the basics of how the class operates, what your fellow players will expect of you and how to put it all together as effectively as possible.
How a Warlock PvE Guide Helps
A good Warlock PvE Guide is going to show you exactly what mechanics are effective with a Warlock. With a class that focuses largely on DoTs, crowd control, and pet use, there are many things to keep track of at once and the Warlock has the added responsibility of dealing with Soul Shards and everything they represent.
As one of the three rezzing classes you will need to be well practiced in getting your soul shards distributed and finding a way to maintain your stash and your mana count all things considered. Additionally, you should spend a good deal of time learning what it takes to effectively manage your Demons in combat – they all provide a great deal of support for your attacks and while they may not work wonders against a boss, they can be important in upping your DPS numbers enough to be an asset to your party.
Putting a Warlock PvE Guide Into Action
Whatever your Warlock PvE Guide tells you, remember that a Warlock is still one of the better DPS classes because of its versatility. You can switch into crowd control mode at almost any time and, if needed, you can even prove a very effective last minute tank, at least for a few moments while a new offtank is put into place to replace whoever died.
To put things succinctly, if you are a Warlock with a good Warlock PvE Guide in hand and a great deal of practice under your belt, you can become a top notch player in just about any circle of raiders. The key is to be willing to compromise a bit and to take up any position or actions required of you by your raiding party. This will allow you to be as effective as possible while not getting too trapped into one mindset.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Secrets of an Effective Shaman PvE Guide

Shamans, more than any other Hybrid class are one of the toughest classes to put your finger on and say “they do that”. At any given time, a Shaman might do just about anything in a raid, providing a wide array of different attacks against just about anyone that comes your way. To effectively play a Shaman though, you are going to need a Shaman PvE Guide that goes through the basics of the class, how the totems work, and which specs will be expected to do which things.
The Many Uses of a Shaman
In a raid, a Shaman has a lot of purposes. Ignoring your spec and what attacks you may have, there is the issue of all those totems, including poisons removal, spell removal, interrupts, and much more. Shamans have a lot of different powers as a semi-casting class and they are brought along to use those powers. Your ability to manage those totems is going to be what ultimately decides how good you are as a Shaman.
So, a Shaman PvE Guide needs to spend a great deal of time discussing those totems, what they do, the rotation you should maintain, and how to keep them in mind as you play your other role. In addition to totems, you should focus on your other abilities including the buffs you offer to the raid, especially the weapons buffs that other players may rely on.
What a Shaman PvE Guide Says About Your Talents
A good Shaman PvE Guide should also discuss what talent spec to choose and how to play that talent spec effectively in combat. A Shaman can get away with two of their three different builds in a raid – the Enhancement and the Restoration builds. Basically, it’s either melee DPS or healing and in both cases you will be a bit of a supporting player who gets more done through your totems than anything else.
That said, you will find that ultimately, your ability to balance the powers you have in all three trees with your innate totems, shields and buffs is going to be what makes you either good or not so good as a Shaman. Whatever guide you end up getting or advice you end up taking, you need to practice a lot to make a good Shaman. They require a great deal of careful attention and practice and even then, they are going to be one of the harder classes in the game to master. Yet, they are vital to a good raiding group and if you are a Shaman with a good amount of practice, you will always have a raiding spot.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Massive WoW Gold - 10,000 gold per week?
Hey There,
Let's face it, most of us never really have enough gold to
get everything we want in WoW.
But I'm sure you've heard stories about players who accumulate
10's of thousands - even hundreds of thousands of gold. With
so much gold, these elite players can pretty much do whatever
they want in the game...
- buy epic flyers for all their alts
- equip the best enchants and gems for every new piece of gear
- collect the most expensive rare pets and exotic fun items
- help friends and guildmates with gear and gold hand-outs
Is this for real? Are there actually players out there with so
much gold they can't even spend it all?
See for yourself...
Jonathan Kenins is one of the crazy-rich elite. And since I
known him pretty well, I've gotten him to give you a look
inside, and show you his secrets of accumulating massive gold
in WoW.
Best of all, it won't cost you a cent. Jon is letting a few of
us in on his powerful gold-making methods. In this short
video, he shows you what his Massive Gold Blueprint method is
all about, and how it will change your whole experience of
Go watch the video right away, I don't think Jon is going to
leave it online very long. He doesn't share this stuff around
much :)
Rooting For You,
Tony "T Dub" Sanders
Warcraft Formula
P.S. take a look at how much gold Jon's toon is carrying. He
doesn't mention it in the vid... but holy crap! Guess he isn't
kidding when he talks about 10,000 gold per week.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
PvE Bible - The Aftermath

*** PvE Bible News ***
After 48 hours, there are many of your peers using the PvE Bible
The community takeover is almost complete.
The question is, which side do *you* choose - victor, or victim?
==> http://PvE-Bible.com
If you are one of the smart players that get the drop on the
competition, a big *CONGRATULATIONS*.
Take action and watch for some big announcements over the next few
We have some very explosive content planned.
Things are about to get even crazier - that much I promise.
If you aren't one of my newly-anointed members, remember that
opportunities this good rarely come along.
We want this club to be totally exclusive. We don't want the
information that we reveal to be used against our own members. And
once we sell out (which is going to be really soon), there's no
telling when we're opening doors again...
I strongly suggest you read every word of this very important
site... while the opportunity remains:
==> http://PvE-Bible.com
T Dub
PVP Bible > WOTLK Secrets > Warcraft Formula > PvE Bible
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What Should Be in a Rogue PvE Guide
Rogues are among the most powerful characters in the game when they are properly specced and placed in a raid. Played by a good player, they can put out DPS numbers that put nearly every other class to shame. But, they are not necessarily easy to play. They take time and effort and a whole lot of practice to pull off. For that reason, a good Rogue PvE Guide can come in handy for anyone that is interested in taking up a role as a main melee DPS dealer in instances.
How a Rogue PvE Guide Can Help
It might seem like a very straightforward role to take on as a Rogue – to essentially put out as much damage as possible in as little time as possible using a combination of poisons and combos. However, the Rogue, while simple in essence, is actually quite complicated to pull off effectively. You must be careful and well balanced in your DPS dealing and ultimately, you need to make sure that you have a good balance of strength in your tank to keep from getting turned on because you can’t take a whole lot of damage with that leather armor on.
As a Rogue, a good Rogue PvE Guide will tell you to load up behind a boss and start unloading your combos on him. Obviously stunlocks are not going to work on a Raid boss, but you can still load him up with damage boosting poisons and start piling away with the damage from your 5 point combos.
For this reason, the main thing you’ll want to focus on is learning your rotations and the right balance of your poisons on each hand. Additionally, the gear you select and the food and consumables you bring along to boost your agility and attack power – two very important stats – are going to be incredibly important too.
Most Rogue PvE Guides will spend a lot of time going over how important these things are and how you will effectively balance them out when you start playing the game anew. To make sure that you don’t do anything improperly, spend a bit of time practicing with your Rogue in lower level instances too. You will find that even a small misstep can be damaging to your character and your raid party if you are not careful.
In the end, a good Rogue PvE Guide is the tool every Rogue needs to be sure they are prepared for whatever the game may throw at them. Practice a lot, read a lot, and get all those numbers just right and your Rogue will be more dominant than you can believe.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How to Use a Priest PvE Guide

The Priest, in traditional MMORPG lore, is the healer – simple as that. While other positions in World of Warcraft may be more mobile, and possible of changing depending on the hybrid class that is available, a Priest who wants to raid is almost always going to be a healer. But, that doesn’t mean that’s their only option. As a Priest PvE Guide will tell you, a Priest can take on any number of other support roles, including crowd control, mana management, and even light DPS when it is called for.
How Do You Balance Your Priest with a Priest PvE Guide?
With that guide, you should be able to quickly learn exactly what it is that your Priest needs to be effective. For most priests, that balance includes figuring out how they want to play their class. There are three distinct talent specs to choose from, and while those specs don’t necessarily stand out on their own as unique, one of a kind options for many players, they are tremendously valuable when taken as a whole.
The Holy Priest is your quintessential healer. They will almost always be among the main raid or main tank healers because they have the best mixture of healing spells, low agro output, and HoT options of any healing class. That’s the way it should be – after all, this is a Priest we’re talking about here.
But, what about the other options out there. What do the Priest PvE Guides say about Disc and Shadow Priests and how their talents play out in a raid?
The Other Specs According to the Priest PvE Guides
The Disc Priests out there tend to end up in healing and support roles. They are most effective in PvP, but in PvE, they can still throw out a bevy of good support spells and hold up the efforts of everyone in the raid effectively enough. They also have a good selection of healing spells to choose from that will make them as effective as nearly anyone else out there.
The Shadow Priest is a DPS role that doesn’t necessarily get as much play in PvE as others could, mainly because there are so many other ranged DPS options out there. However, a well specced, well geared Shadow Priest can be extremely effective for AoE roles in a raid. They may not be a lead DPS dealer, but their combination of support spells and AoE can make them very dangerous for nearly anyone interested in taking on the role.
The bottom line is that a Priest should always have a good Priest PvE Guide on hand to help them choose what they will do with their character and how to maximize their efficiency in a raid.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Essence of a Good Paladin PvE Guide

PvE Bible - Paladin PvE Guide
Paladins are an awesome class and one that many people try out at least once in their WoW careers. However, finding a good Paladin PvE Guide that can break down the essentials of the class, how it operates, and what it is expected to do when you step foot into an instance for the first time, can be hard. It’s important that you not only understand how to handle your class with all of its Blessings, Auras and Judgments, but that you can effectively switch between the variety of different roles that you will play in an instance.
The Crux of a Good Paladin PvE Guide
A good Paladin in PvE is not necessarily just a Healer or just a Tank. Rather, you need to be a good Paladin – someone who can switch actively between roles for your class without getting overwhelmed by the possibilities of what you have to offer. There are a ton of little spells and actions you can take as a Paladin, but they don’t necessarily need to be done all at once to be effective.
Rather, you need to learn what it takes to stand in the role you are given and be as good as possible, but at the same time, ready to move to another position at a moment’s notice.
This might include being a Protection Paladin who tanks for your small party or offtanks for a raid but who, at any moment can be prepared to toss out a Divine Shield or to switch for a quick bout of healing. These are part of the responsibility that comes with being a Hybrid class. You have more skills than your opponents and should use them effectively.
Integrating Your Skills with a Paladin PvE Guide
The thing about Paladins though is that they are not any one thing. They have too many options to be just one thing. Every raid will have at least two or three Paladins along for their Blessings and Auras. You may be one of those Paladins, and you’d better know how to use them properly. Additionally, you may be brought along to produce a bit of side healing or off tanking.
The odds are that you will never be called upon for DPS, but it’s not impossible, so be aware of the talents you have and how you can use them as an off tank should the need ever arise.
Ultimately, as a Paladin, you should be prepared for just about anything that might come your way. It’s your role to be a solid, well played hybrid class that can move between roles seamlessly and with high skill. With luck, you’ll find a Paladin PvE Guide that can help you do that as well as possible.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<Friday, October 2, 2009
Finding a Good Mage PvE Guide

Ah, the good old Mage – nature’s little firebomber. In World of Warcrat, a Mage has pretty much one job in PvE content. They blow things up and they blow things up good. True, some mages will be called upon to handle crowd control and other support issues, but for the most part, it’s all about the DPS and while it might seem simple in theory, getting the right DPS numbers to play out in a raiding party can be tough if you’re not properly prepared with the right strategy. That’s where a good Mage PvE Guide comes in handy.
What Your Mage PvE Guide Should Have
A good Mage PvE Guide will have a complete walkthrough of what it’s going to take to turn your Mage into a firebombing, DPS machine. And that’s just getting started. If you’re truly serious about mastering the art of PvE with a Mage, you need to know exactly how to spec your character to get the most possible damage out of him.
This means learning which of the Fire and Arcane talents are best suited for your needs. It also means learning whether you need any Frost talents at all and what balance of specs is going to work best to conserve mana in a prolonged raid. A good Mage PvE Guide is going to outline all of these things carefully for you, along with how to use each of those talents in combat.
The Key Points of a Good PvE Mage
A Mage in PvE is not necessarily only for DPS. During a boss encounter, you may focus intently on only delivering heavy blows with your biggest spells, but you may also be responsible for crowd control during trash fights or gauntlets and against adds during that boss fight. You may also need to keep a close eye on the spells being cast by your opponent so you can steal them away and become more powerful in your own regard.
In the end, a good Mage PvE Guide is written to show you every possible aspect of a Mage’s role in an instance. Whether you’re playing straight DPS, or as support, or as a lower level player learning the ropes, your powers are so great that you should be using them as effectively as possible whenever possible.
If you can do that, and a good Mage PvE Guide can help you do that, you’ll be set for months and years t come as a top, go to guy or gal for your fire flinging class of choice.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mastering Your Raiding with a Hunter PvE Guide

Hunters are a heck of a class when it comes to dealing out high levels of DPS in a raiding environment. They can lock onto their targets and pour out shots in epic volumes, and bang for buck, they reach higher ranged DPS than any other class. But, it doesn’t just happen overnight. You need to practice and develop an effective shot rotation and get the right balance of necessary steps into place before you do anything in a raid and even then, if your gear and consumables aren’t right, you’re still not going to get the numbers you should be looking for. That’s where a Hunter PvE Guide comes into play.
What Can a Hunter PvE Guide Really Do?
Unlike most other classes, the Hunter is a class that has just one role in a raid. It sits back and shoots as many arrows as possible into its target without letting up, save for when agro becomes an issue. A good Hunter should be able to maximize their DPS output to the highest possible levels given the gear they have access to.
For that reason, a Hunter PvE Guide focus largely on how to get those numbers out of your hunter. It will show you where to get your gear, what numbers to focus on (in this case it’s Agility and Attack Power since Armor Penetration has been nerfed), and how to get everything to line up properly.
When you manage to get all those things in place, the Hunter PvE Guide should then talk to you about how you can maximize your efficiency in a raid by grabbing the right consumables and requesting the right buffs from your fellow raiders.
The last thing your Hunter PvE Guide should do is tell you exactly what your shot rotations should be. Most Hunters will spec as Marksman in the current builds, though some will still go with Beastmaster to counter the mana problems that the Marksman have. In either case, a good Hunter PvE Guide needs to discuss the ideal shot rotation for that build and how it will integrate effectively into your raiding style.
If your guide can do that and you can adjust how you play the game to match those recommendations, you can quickly become one of the truly elite Hunters who is able to hold up incredibly high levels of DPS in a raid, regardless of which encounter you are in. When you can do this, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the best around at blasting your opponents out of the water.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What to Expect from a Druid PvE Guide

Druids are quite the heavy weights when it comes to raiding. They can do just about anything and they are sometimes called on to do a little bit of everything. So, when it comes to finding a good Druid PvE Guide, your expectations should be high as to what you’ll get from that guide. After all, this is a class that can tank, DPS, and heal all with the same character and they can do it all while switching back and forth between forms, on the fly.
What You Should Look For
If you’re levelling up a Druid or already have one at Level 80 and are starting to run instances with them, you should have a good idea of what you’re getting into with that Druid. To start with, a Druid PvE Guide should tell you exactly what your options are. For the Druid, those options start with the two most popular raiding specs: the Dire Bear tank and the Restoration Healer.
The Dire Bear Tank is a highly popular option because of the huge volumes of defense and avoidance that can be poured into the class when it is specced properly. Additionally, the class is relatively versatile and can manage its threat much more easily than many other classes that are stuck in the same situation.
As any Druid PvE Guide will tell you though, the Restoration spec is just as popular for Druids and for good reason. To start with, Druids who spec almost fully in Restoration are aptly rewarded with an array of different spells and HoTs that can make them highly effective at landing those heals and minimizing their impact on the agro counters. From your Tree of Life ability to your numerous heals and the ability to drop combat relatively easily to drink and remove any added agro, the Restoration Druid can get the job done.
What Your Druid PvE Guide Should Contain
So, ideally, you are going to want a guide that focuses heavily on discussing the Feral and Restoration specs for the Druid. The guide should discuss how to quickly switch between specs on the fly and how to integrate a wide array of possible options into your raiding as you may be called upon to switch specs at the last minute and take up alternate positions when needed. If your guide can do all these things, and ensure that you know the specs, consumables and gear you need going in with either spec, you can perform extremely well in PvE content as a Druid.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Contents of a Good Death Knight PvE Guide
Since Wrath of the Lich King was launched in 2008 and the Death Knight first joined the pantheon of WoW classes, there has been a lot of talk about how this class performs in PvE. The constant buffing and nerfing of the class mechanics have made it hard for anyone to figure out exactly what spec, what role, and what actions are best for a good Death Knight. So, a good Death Knight PvE guide is decidedly useful in helping get through the content.
What a Death Knight PvE Guide Needs
The first question any good Death Knight needs to ask themselves is what type of role they want to play in raiding. There are so many options out there within just this one class that it can be confusing at times deciding how to play it. A good Death Knight PvE Guide will show you how to perform all of the possible roles in a raid – including tanking, support and DPS. With that kind of knowledge in hand, it will be much easier to master the class when it comes time to play in a real raiding situation.
The Content of a Good Death Knight PvE Guide
So, what will a good Death Knight PvE Guide tell you? To start with, it should tell you exactly what you’re going to get into. The first thing it should include is a full rundown of what a Death Knight should expect in combat. The class is essentially a hybrid class mixing heavily between casting and melee combat. So, players with expectations of either melee or casting mechanics should rethink their strategy.
Rather, they’re going to need to work on building a strategy that focuses intently on disease rotations and maintaining their DPS or their threat level depending on what position they play. As a Death Knight tank, you will need to put out a great deal of threat, accomplished with your diseases, as well as manage to heal yourself effectively, done with talents like Lichborne. Without the ability to draw health from those diseases and your damage output (done in the Frost and Unholy specs), you will never be able to stay alive because of your lack of a shield and high defense.
As a result, a good Death Knight PvE Guide needs to show you exactly how the mechanics of both DPS and tanking operate and then show you how to spec and integrate those necessary tasks into a well built, effective raiding machine. If it can do that, you’ll be well on your way to successful, high level instance running with your Death Knight.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Monday, September 28, 2009
Breaking Down Raids – Piece by Piece – A Review of the PvE Bible

There are hundreds of different ways to blow through a raid and the typical guild probably spends hours upon hours trying to figure them all out. It might take days or even weeks in some cases to figure out what it takes to blast through a given instance and the results are sometimes less than spectacular.
So a lot of guilds and players turn to guides that can show them how a pro has gone through this content, what strategies have been worked out for them ahead of time, and how to put it all into practice effectively. The result is a slew of half-finished raid guides on the Internet that, while they offer interesting data, don’t really show you everything you need to know to blast through the content as fast as is possible.
Then there’s T Dub Saunders and his PvE Bible. The newest guide from the master of end-game content has already drawn a lot of attention from low level guilds and starting raiders who are having trouble finding useful information to get through the lowest level content without getting stuck on the little things.
The result is a guide that clocks in at more than 300 pages, includes hundreds upon hundreds of strategies for every boss between Level 70 and the Trial of the Grand Crusader. The question I’ve been seeing a lot on the different forums and chat boards is whether or not all this information is really worth paying for.
After spending about two weeks with T Dub’s newest guide, I can tell you this – the information is definitely worth paying for. Including more details than you’ll likely ever see in a single guide and the single perspective of one raider throughout hundreds of encounters, you get not only consistency, but detail. Nothing is missing here and when new content hits the PTR, T Dub is the first in line testing it and adding details to his guide, all of it updated when patches go live.
In short, if you need a new guide for your guild or just to help get ahead in your own instance running, you need to stop and check out what T Dub has put together in this spectacular new instance guide. It’s the best around and that’s saying quite a bit.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
A quick review of PvE Bible
There was a time when the idea of someone actually going through and writing up a strategy for every single instance encounter in World of Warcraft sounded like a bit of a stretch. But, now, almost 5 years into the game’s lifespan, it’s not surprising in the least to find that there are superstars in the guide writing world who can pull this off.
The culprit this time is the PvE Bible, from T Dub Saunders, the guy who wrote the PvP Bible and Warcraft Formula. His guides have become legendary and he’s come back again with something bigger and badder than ever before. I wanted to share what I learned from the free review copy T Dub sent my way and why you should all be checking this out right now.
The Guide in a Nutshell
The thing about T Dub is that he’s incredibly thorough and his new guide is no exception. From the start, he shows off as much content as he can get his hands on. The guide is packed full of details on every raid and dungeon encounter in the game since WotLK was released. Each instance includes quests, achievements, maps, and detailed strategies for every boss. You’ll find links to popular databases for more details and multiple dual strategies for instances that offer more than one mode.
For key encounters, T Dub goes above and beyond the call of duty and adds extremely in-depth details. For example, his Sartharion strategy guide is pages long, showing how to go through every possible method when defeating the seminal boss. From +0 to +3 drakes, he knows the ins and outs of this encounter and shows it off with aplomb.
What You’re Getting
In the end, the PvE Bible is the biggest and most complete instance guide I’ve ever seen. You won’t find anyone that offers more content at a more affordable price and the content is updated fast. When a new patch hits, T Dub has strategies for you as soon as he possibly can and they’re darn good while he’s at it. If you’re in need of a good route to quick raid and instance runs, this is the way to go. Check out the PvE Bible today.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Getting to the Bottom of the New PvE Bible
There are a lot of raiding guides on the Internet and they all claim to provide the best, biggest and most thorough routes through the different aspects of end-game content. But, the truth is that many of them are incomplete, poorly written, or hard to understand for noobs. While I’m not exactly in that last category, I remember when I was and it was tough going. Finding someone who understand what a noob knows and doesn’t know and can write for them is tough.
So, when I found out about T Dub Sanders’ new PvE Bible, I was excited to see what he could do with all that bulky end-game content. After all, with dozens of different encounters, hundreds of different modes, and thousands of different group compositions, there are a lot of different little details you can get snagged on in a raid.
And T Dub is the guy who everyone knows can pull it all together. His PvP guide is still the biggest and best one on the Internet, months after its release. He has even further grown his profile with his monthly Warcraft Formula updates and now he has the PvE Bible which I think we all know will be a big success.
But, the real questions is whether or not the guide is going to be worth the purchase price. Is this thing as good as we are all assuming it should be?
The answer is a big resounding yes. T Dub Saunders is a big star in the WoW guide community and he’s gotten there by showing that he has an eye for detail and a skill for the game that is nearly unmatched by his peers. The result is the PvE Bible.
Just to give you a quick idea of everything he throws in, this thing is complete with every single encounter in WotLK content up through patch 3.2 and is currently being updated for the new Onyxia encounter and the upcoming Icecrown Citadel. The guide is massive too – over 300 pages of solid content, all of it written with the deft hand of someone who understands what it takes to truly get through a raid with a group in mind (not just a single role).
If you need a raiding guide, don’t settle for the cruddy free stuff floating around out there. Check out what T Dub is offering with his PvE Bible – trust me, you won’t regret it.
>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<