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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Contents of a Good Death Knight PvE Guide

Since Wrath of the Lich King was launched in 2008 and the Death Knight first joined the pantheon of WoW classes, there has been a lot of talk about how this class performs in PvE. The constant buffing and nerfing of the class mechanics have made it hard for anyone to figure out exactly what spec, what role, and what actions are best for a good Death Knight. So, a good Death Knight PvE guide is decidedly useful in helping get through the content.

What a Death Knight PvE Guide Needs

The first question any good Death Knight needs to ask themselves is what type of role they want to play in raiding. There are so many options out there within just this one class that it can be confusing at times deciding how to play it. A good Death Knight PvE Guide will show you how to perform all of the possible roles in a raid – including tanking, support and DPS. With that kind of knowledge in hand, it will be much easier to master the class when it comes time to play in a real raiding situation.

The Content of a Good Death Knight PvE Guide

So, what will a good Death Knight PvE Guide tell you? To start with, it should tell you exactly what you’re going to get into. The first thing it should include is a full rundown of what a Death Knight should expect in combat. The class is essentially a hybrid class mixing heavily between casting and melee combat. So, players with expectations of either melee or casting mechanics should rethink their strategy.

Rather, they’re going to need to work on building a strategy that focuses intently on disease rotations and maintaining their DPS or their threat level depending on what position they play. As a Death Knight tank, you will need to put out a great deal of threat, accomplished with your diseases, as well as manage to heal yourself effectively, done with talents like Lichborne. Without the ability to draw health from those diseases and your damage output (done in the Frost and Unholy specs), you will never be able to stay alive because of your lack of a shield and high defense.

As a result, a good Death Knight PvE Guide needs to show you exactly how the mechanics of both DPS and tanking operate and then show you how to spec and integrate those necessary tasks into a well built, effective raiding machine. If it can do that, you’ll be well on your way to successful, high level instance running with your Death Knight.

>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<

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