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Monday, September 28, 2009

Breaking Down Raids – Piece by Piece – A Review of the PvE Bible

There are hundreds of different ways to blow through a raid and the typical guild probably spends hours upon hours trying to figure them all out. It might take days or even weeks in some cases to figure out what it takes to blast through a given instance and the results are sometimes less than spectacular.

So a lot of guilds and players turn to guides that can show them how a pro has gone through this content, what strategies have been worked out for them ahead of time, and how to put it all into practice effectively. The result is a slew of half-finished raid guides on the Internet that, while they offer interesting data, don’t really show you everything you need to know to blast through the content as fast as is possible.

Then there’s T Dub Saunders and his PvE Bible. The newest guide from the master of end-game content has already drawn a lot of attention from low level guilds and starting raiders who are having trouble finding useful information to get through the lowest level content without getting stuck on the little things.

The result is a guide that clocks in at more than 300 pages, includes hundreds upon hundreds of strategies for every boss between Level 70 and the Trial of the Grand Crusader. The question I’ve been seeing a lot on the different forums and chat boards is whether or not all this information is really worth paying for.

After spending about two weeks with T Dub’s newest guide, I can tell you this – the information is definitely worth paying for. Including more details than you’ll likely ever see in a single guide and the single perspective of one raider throughout hundreds of encounters, you get not only consistency, but detail. Nothing is missing here and when new content hits the PTR, T Dub is the first in line testing it and adding details to his guide, all of it updated when patches go live.

In short, if you need a new guide for your guild or just to help get ahead in your own instance running, you need to stop and check out what T Dub has put together in this spectacular new instance guide. It’s the best around and that’s saying quite a bit.

>>> PvE Bible - Blueprint to Dominating the Instances <<<

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